The terms and conditions set out below are the foundation in which, ITAC Safety Training Center and its affiliates, provide you with the convenience of various services and information online. Accessing the website means that you fully agree and comply with the requirements as mentioned below.
- Website Services
We provide the services and content made available at this Website, including but not limited to the online training booking and payment service (“Website Services”) for your convenience only. We do not assume liability for any reliance placed on any information or content provided in relation to the Website Services, whether relating to us or to any third party.
You may use the Website Services only for its intended purpose and its purpose alone.
We may at our discretion, with or without prior notice, modify, delete, edit or withdraw any part, component or all of the Website Services at any time, or stop or suspend any of them, temporarily or permanently and whether for the purposes of updating, upgrading or system maintenance or otherwise.
- Payment Services
For your convenience, we facilitate your use of certain third party services that enable the use of accepted credit cards to make payment for trainings online from or through this Website. Such Payment Services are provided by third parties and are the sole responsibility of such third parties. Please consult these third parties on any matter arising in connection with the Payment Services.
We are not responsible for and will not be deemed to be a provider of the Payment Services or any part of such Payment Services, even if you access or use the Payment Services through this Website and/or pay for the Website Services through use of the Payment Services.
You are required at all times, to observe and comply with the applicable conditions, directions, stipulations and/or requirements relating to the use of the Payment Services and the prescribed processes of the Payment Services, whether expressed at the Website, by third parties or otherwise.
The Payment Services may not be available if any problems arise with the interconnectivity between this Website or the respective website(s), systems or facilities of the third parties.
Any failure or non-availability of the Payment Services shall not absolve you from liability to make payments due to us.
- Booking Guidelines
ITAC Safety will have the rights to reserve for requesting the cardholder’s identification for verification purposes.
Any amendment to your bookings shall be informed to ITAC Safety authorized personnel prior to starting of training and shall follow instructions given to him by the ITAC Safety authorized personnel.
The management reserves the right, in unavoidable circumstances, to make changes to or cancel the training.
Booked training is transferable to another person, given that the person who will now take the training will have to complete the training and will have his name in the certificate.
- Refund Policy
ITAC reserves the right to imply refund policy on its service programs.
The following will be imposed in the use of our services:
IOSH Training: Once full payment has been paid, you are entitled to 75% of the full payment refunded but only if you have not started the training itself.
ISO Certification: No refund will be imposed.
First Aid Training: Once full payment has been paid, you are entitled to 75% of the full payment refunded but only if you have not started the training itself.
ITAC Safety reminds you to please note that all completed and confirmed transactions CANNOT BE CANCELLED OR REFUNDED once the person has started the training. However, transfer to another person is allowed, provided that the person transferred to will be the one attending the training and will have his name written on the certificate.
Whenever circumstances arise as payment has been processed and the payee will not be able to attend the training on set date, rescheduling is allowed and is encouraged provided that it will be on an availability basis.
- Rules and Regulations
These Terms and Conditions also do not deviate from but are in addition to the rules and regulations applicable to the use of our facilities or premises, such as but not limited to our training center, which may be displayed or notified to you elsewhere.
- Reservation of Rights
ITAC Safety may (but is not obliged to) to (a) monitor, screen, censor or reject any activity, content or material appearing on this Website; (b) investigate any violation or non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions; and (c) do all such acts as may be necessary to ensure the provision of the Website Services and/or the smooth operation of this Website in the manner we desire.
We may further reject, modify, relocate, delete, edit, block or withdraw any material or content at this Website or at any time stop, prevent or suspend use of the Website Services by any person.
- Intellectual Property
All copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights including, but not limited to information, text, graphics, images, technology or any other materials or works used in the Website are sole and exclusive property of ITAC Safety.
Downloading and printing of materials for personal use is permitted. Non-commercial use is also permitted provided that no violation of the provisions in these terms and conditions will be done. Subject to such limited permission, you are not permitted to reproduce, reverse compile, adapt, modify, distribute, commercially exploit, display, broadcast, hyperlink or transmit in any manner or by any means or store in an information retrieval system any part of the Website or the Materials without our prior written consent.
You must not create derivative works from the Materials or insert a hyperlink to this Website from any other website or use any material contained at this Website or indicate any association or link to this Website without our prior written consent. Further you must not use any of the Materials in advertising or publicity or indicate any association or link to this Website or any of our websites without our prior written approval.
- Links to Other Websites
Any other website links expressed in hyperlinks, other than our own, in the website are placed there for ease of use. We do not share the same intent or represent such links to be referrals or endorsements of such entities operating in our website. We do not control nor contribute to such sites or the information contained in or services or facilities offered or made available at such other websites.
- Amendments and Other Terms and Conditions
ITAC Safety may from time to time imply amendments to these Terms and Conditions of which the end user is required to update himself of. You have been deemed to have accepted these Terms and conditions as amended upon your use of this Website and the Website Services following such amendments.
In addition to these Terms and Conditions, additional terms and conditions may apply to the use of certain of the Website Services as indicated elsewhere at this Website.