
The Accident Investigation course is designed for delegates who assist in accident investigation in the workplace. The course also contains techniques which can be integrated into a companies procedures. The techniques learned will consequently contribute towards making accident investigation more organized and consistent. The course includes a review of accident causation, effective evidence gathering and analysis techniques, interview techniques, together with reviewing actions and presenting an Action Plan to prevent recurrence. This programme includes practical scenario based exercises throughout the course culminating in a scenario based investigation exercise.

Aim of Course:

This course aims to provide delegates with a knowledge and understanding of the steps required to be taken to preserve the scene of an accident and carry out a thorough investigation into its root cause. It combines a theory session with practical exercises where-by trainees can develop skills in interviewing witnesses, gathering evidence and root cause analysis.

Who Would Benefit:

Employees at all levels rather than a certain bracket. Roles from senior management downwards can attend the Accident Investigation course if they are involved in the investigation process. This course is designed for all levels of management, safety practitioners, safety committee members and individuals responsible for investigating incidents.

Course Content:

By the end of the course the delegate will be able to understand:

  • Legal requirements for documenting and reporting accidents.
  • Why we need to investigate accidents.
  • Enhanced relationships with authorities and insurers.
  • The financial gain of preventing accidents.
  • An improvement in workplace morale, leading to greater work rate and expediency.
  • How incidents happen and the immediate, underlying and root causes of them.
  • Accident Terminology
  • Preserving the evidence at the accident scene
  • Interviewing witnesses including interview techniques
  • Practical exercises where participants investigate the accident
  • Root cause analysis

Course Benefits :

  • How to determine which incidents warrant investigation
  • How to use effective investigation and interviewing techniques to gather complete, objective and accurate data
  • How to analyzing incidents to identify root causes
  • The human relations aspects of incident reporting
  • What data to include in investigation reports
  • Hazard control measures and follow-up
  • The processes they should follow should an incident or injury occur.
  • How to identify hazards that could be potential causes for incidents that could lead to illness or injury.
  • How to avoid further incidents occurring by recommending appropriate corrective actions.


This risk assessment training tool will benefit your company in the following ways:

  • Introducing employees to the risk assessment process.
  • Increasing understanding of workplace hazards, risks, harm and control measures.
  • Providing a simple, flexible and interactive training experience for employees.
  • Standardising training for all staff.
  • Managing training records and reducing administration overhead.